Twelve men before 13 deer and 2 dogs. Back row: Sandy Sanderson, Harry Porteus, Ed Fryer, Jack Royal, Fred Smith, William Bannerman. Front: Harold Freethy, Henry McAteer, John McAteer, Stewart Gardiner, Frank Dobson, Bill McAteer. This photograph was taken at Cooper's lumber yard and mill.
From left to right. Back row: Teacher Mary Conn, Harold McFee, Calvin Parks. Middle row: Sadie Sammons, Florence McNichol, Lloyd Rear, Audrey Cole, Maxine Hutchison, Doris Wilson, Ina Lanktree, Jean McAfee, Marjorie Wilson. Front: Melville Parks, Paul Cole, Harold Huthison, Glen Cole, Frank Dobson, Keith Cole, Mansell Parks.
Girls Bertha Short and Agnes Collins beside the flume from dam at Kolapore dam.
Clara Short, Agnes Collins and her sons Gordon and Aubrey at the flume. The flume stretched from the Kolapore dam to the sawmill owned by Charlie Collins.
Charlie Collins to the left and Fred Curly on the right. Collins with his sons; Gordon and Aubrey. This picture was taken at Collin's Mill at the Kolapore Dam.