Then & Now - The Blule Mountains
Town of Blue Mountains History Project
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Ravenna School - 1897


The Ravenna School is now a home. It is the last building on the east side of the road as you travel south.

Front Row left to right seated: Russell Gould, Frank Wagg, Silas Wagg, Bill Knuff, Charlie Knuff, Myrtle Magill,
Alex Rush, George Conn, Jack Conn, Maggie McKnight, Leila McKnight, Athol Hudson, Sadie Hudson, Ed McGill.

Second Row: Fred Latter, Cora Latter, Maggie Magill, Mabel Magill, Jim McGowan, Eva Gekill, Susie Falconer, Joc Latter, Ross Fleming, Roy Conn, Viola McKnight, Villa Latter, Roy Fleming,  Herb Heighs, Florence Knuff.

Third Row: Bill Weir, Herb Latter, Mae Brownlee, Fanny Irwin, Annie Rusk, Annie Weir, Edna Heighs, Jessie Latter, Herb Conn, Bill Conn, Gertie Knuff, Minnie Knuff, Edith Weldrick (standing).

Fourth Row: Amie Ford, Mary Allcock, Bob Armstrong, Eva Conn, Martha Gekill, Herb Gould, Aggie Falkner, Annie Armstrong, Ed Falkner, Fred Theakston, Bill Poole, Hugh Magill, Jim Rusk.

Fifth Row: Lottie Carscadden, Maud McGill, Ida Gardiner, Bob Gardiner, Sara Walters, Bill McGill, Tom Armstrong,
Herb Stoughtenburg, Louie Allcock, Etta Carscadden, Harriett Gardiner, Maggie Black (teacher).

Date: 1897
Subjects: Schools    Buildings   
Collections: Photographs   
Physical Specifications: still image
Owner: Knott, Leona
Province & Country: Ontario, Canada
County: Grey
Municipality: The Blue Mountains
Community: Ravenna
Rights: public domain
ID: 63